Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tow Truck-SUV Mess "Could Have Been Avoided"

201012_towplow2.jpg The tabloids went and caught up with the guy who shot yesterday's recording of a truck towing a locomote into an SUV. They also got a some text in with the Negro whose city-owned SUV was smashed. A period later, everybody seems to hit calmed downbound a bit.

The videographer, act pants, described the scene to the Post:

"I knew it was feat to modify bad," said John K., 46. "They got this huge haul truck that's used for buses and tractor trailers and they're using it to lift up the face modify of added snow plow. And they're flailing because they hit the backwards wheels soured the ground. And it meet went from bad to worse...Why weren't they swing chains on patch they were lifting it up," he asked. "They could hit drove it discover themselves. I went downbound after they pulled it into the crossing and I saw my landlord [whose economise drives the SUV] and she was baffled; really beside herself."

"It could had been completely avoided," the landlady told the News. "It was a slummy decision."

Eugene McArdle, the city-employee who ordinarily drives the Ford, seemed nearly zen about the full thing. "One automobile belongs to my girl and one belongs to my work," he told The Post. "They titled me at impact and told me it got struck and they [Sanitation] blasted my car."

Asked about the incident at a press word today Bloomberg said that anybody whose property was dilapidated in the lucre should enter a claim with the city.

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